Residence permit without the right to work
Residence permit without the right to work is the most reliable way to move to Spain
- You don’t need to buy a property, a one-year rental agreement is enough.
- The consulate willingly issues a residence permit without the right to work if you have savings and regular income.
You will spend money in Spain received in another country, and this is beneficial for Spain
- After a year, if desired, you can modify it into a residence permit with the right to work
- The amount of savings is lower than for the residence permit of the investor: 27200 euros for applicant and 6800 euros for each next family member
- Required verified income: 2300 euros per month for one person and €570 for each next family member.
- It is easy to extend the residence permit if you comply with the minimum stay in Spain and not break the law
The cost of preparing, submitting documents for obtaining a Spanish residence without the right to work is 500 €, and its extension is 350 €.